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The Velveteen Dream addressed NXT Champion Adam Cole

The Velveteen Dream is coming for Cole’s NXT Title: WWE NXT, March 11, 2020

His Purple Highness explains the long game he’s been playing with NXT Champion Adam Cole & Undisputed ERA.

There was a method to The Velveteen Dream's madness all along.

Revealing that his seemingly personal issue with Roderick Strong was simply a means to an end — it left Adam Cole vulnerable for Dream's attack inside a steel cage last week — His Purple Highness broached the topic of challenging for Cole's NXT Championship at TakeOver: Tampa.

Cole, incensed at the very suggestion, laughed off Dream's worthiness. Instead, the leader of The Undisputed ERA announced he was planning a celebration for next week when he would become the longest-reigning NXT Champion in history. 

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