NXT Tag Team Champions The Viking Raiders def. The Street Profits

The Viking Raiders vs. The Street Profits: WWE NXT, April 24, 2019

Angelo Dawkins & Montez Ford show no fear as they take on the dominant NXT Tag Team Champions, Ivar & Erik. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

The Street Profits weren’t kidding when they pledged to be in “full attack mode” for their non-title match against NXT Tag Team Champions The Viking Raiders. Striking before the match began, Montez Ford launched himself over the top rope and onto Ivar & Erik, as the newly rechristened champions made their entrance. Operating with a sense of urgency, the Profits didn’t let up, gaining a near-fall within 15 seconds of the opening bell after hitting Erik with a spinebuster/frog splash combination.

The Viking Raiders fought their way back into the match after Ivar clobbered Ford with a wicked lariat. Angelo Dawkins rocked Erik with a haymaker, and Ford muscled the 305-pound Ivar into a back suplex, but The Street Profits stalled once The Viking Raiders unleashed a slew double-team maneuvers — none more devastating than the Viking Experience pop-up powerslam on Ford, which spelled the end.

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