#DIY def. Undisputed ERA

#DIY vs. Undisputed ERA: Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic First-Round Match: WWE NXT, March 6, 2019

NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa & Johnny Gargano reform #DIY against The Undisputed ERA's Kyle O'Reilly & Bobby Fish. Video courtesy of the award-winning WWE Network.

#DIY delivered a shock to the system, not only bringing the band back together for the first time in almost two years on NXT TV, but also by defeating Undisputed ERA’s Kyle O’Reilly & Bobby Fish to advance into the Dusty Classic Semifinals.

To get there, NXT Champion Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano had to go through a rough and rugged storm at the hands of The Undisputed ERA. In this perilous battle, O’Reilly & Fish took the newly reunited Ciampa & Gargano to work, proving they’re just as dangerous with a chip on their shoulder as they were when they protected the titles that were once around their waists. The desire for championship gold translated into an array of dominative attacks by the devious pair, as they pounded Gargano with excruciating submission holds and devastating tandem attacks. At one point, O’Reilly flattened Johnny Wrestling with a butterfly DDT that was followed by a wheelbarrow suplex by Fish. Still, Undisputed ERA’s offense couldn’t match #DIY’s willpower.

Late in the match, the self-professed “Greatest Sports-Entertainer of All-Time” struck O’Reilly with a blue thunder bomb while Gargano simultaneously surprised Fish outside the ring with a somersault off the apron. The action grew more intense during the final moments of the epic collision. After Fish squashed Ciampa with a jaw-dropping avalanche Michinoku Driver from the top rope that was followed by a diving knee by O’Reilly, a failed pinfall led to a fateful tag from Gargano. O’Reilly found himself on the receiving end of a slingshot DDT from Gargano, which then set up a well-timed Meeting in the Middle to pencil in a dance with Aleister Black & Ricochet in the Semifinals. The victory now has the former foes singing a brand-new tune: Reunited, and it feels so good.

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