'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

Bo Dallas' 'NXT Champ Report'

'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

Since capturing the NXT Championship last June, Bo Dallas has comfortably sat atop the helm of NXT as its premier Superstar. This week, as a self-professed goodwill gesture to his fellow NXT Superstars, Divas and his “Bo-Lievers,” Dallas has created the first “NXT Champ Report.” Handpicked by the NXT Champion himself, Dallas provides tips on how these promising NXT personalities can take their game to a championship level. In lieu of an actual grade, Dallas rates each individual based on a “Bo-Lievability Scale” from 1 to 10, with 10 being the most promising for NXT success.

Mojo Rawley

'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

One of NXT’s most excitable superstars, Mojo Rawley burst onto the NXT scene last October and hasn’t looked back. From the gridiron to the NXT Ring, Mojo lives by the motto: “I don’t get hyped, I stay hyped!”

Dallas: I think Mojo has a lot of potential, especially since he hasn’t been around that long. But what Mojo needs to learn is how to be calm and focused inside the ring.  Mojo can stay hyped as long as he wants, but, unfortunately, staying hyped all the time won’t make you a champion. I give Mojo a 5 on my Bo-Lieveability Scale.

Stay hyped with Mojo Rawley.

Aiden English

'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

“The Artiste” is not only NXT’s resident songbird, but a dual threat in terms of verbal and physical execution. While Aiden English may revel in the heat of NXT’s spotlight, English has made it clear that he plans to achieve big things both in the ring and on Broadway’s biggest stage.

Dallas: If Aiden English spent more of his time working on his in-ring skills rather than his singing ability, he could have a bright future. I have to admit, I do like to listen to “The Lion King” soundtrack when I want to relax. If he can perform that one, maybe he’ll get a few more points. For now, he earns a 6 on my Bo-Lievability Scale.

Read a four-act interview with Aiden English.

Alexander Rusev

'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

The Bulgarian brute has quickly become one of NXT’s most dominant and feared Superstars. Since joining forces with his social ambassador, Lana, the near 300-pounder has raised his game to a level some have deemed unstoppable. Driven by a clear-cut desire, Alexander Rusev wants streets and monuments built in his honor and a legacy that will last thousands of years.

Dallas: Alexander Rusev and Lana remind me of that duo from “Rocky IV.” I don't know if they've ever seen that movie, but I'm like a piece of iron he wouldn't be able to break. I’ll give him credit though, Rusev has been impressive. As for Lana, I think she’s attractive. (Giggles.) That earns him half a point. I give Alexander Rusev an 8.5.

Learn more about Rusev's motivation.

Tyler Breeze

'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

“Prince Pretty” has garnered a slight cult following on NXT. Considering Tyler Breeze’s most prized possession is his selfie-capturing cell phone, the “gorgeous” NXT Superstar has steadily risen through the ranks of NXT. As long as every hair is in place, Breeze seems poised for big things in the land of NXT.

Dallas: Tyler Breeze needs to realize it’s impossible to be a champion if you’re scared to get a couple of bruises along the way. Although I do understand the trials and tribulations of being good looking, Tyler has to be willing to put his face on the line to achieve his dreams. I do think Tyler’s furry ring gear is pretty cool though.  It reminds me of my dog, Winston. He’s so cute! I give Breeze a 7.

Get gorgeous with Tyler Breeze.


'The NXT Champ Report': Bo Dallas evaluates five of NXT’s rising stars

Arguably NXT’s most popular Diva, the dancing 1ueen has spearheaded an infectious movement known as the “Emmalution.” While Emma has fallen short of capturing the NXT Women’s Championship, few can argue that awkward never seemed so appealing.

Dallas:Emma’s been finding out that people will like you if you dance. But people will start to dislike you if you don’t develop some new moves. Take it from someone who’s got billions of fans all over the world. Emma, [if] you don’t show more innovation, you’re gonna get left behind. It is with a heavy heart that I give you a 3. But don’t worry, that means you have tons to work for.

Read NXT 10-Count with Emma.

Follow Bo Dallas on Twitter  @TheBoDallas and get more NXT coverage on the official NXT Facebook page.

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