The Brian Kendrick def. Mike Kanellis

The Brian Kendrick vs. Mike Kanellis: WWE 205 Live, Feb. 5, 2019

Mike Kanellis earns an opportunity to face The Brian Kendrick after impressing General Manager Drake Maverick in a loss against another former WWE Cruiserweight Champion, Kalisto.

Although Mike Kanellis lost to Kalisto last week on WWE 205 Live, his performance impressed WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick enough to give The Opportunist another chance to prove himself. Once again, Kanellis squared off against a former WWE Cruiserweight Champion, The Brian Kendrick. With Maria Kanellis joining commentary, the match got underway with the two Superstars engaged in a showdown of technical prowess.

Kanellis grew irate with Kendrick and was forced to recalibrate with encouragement from his wife. As the battle raged to the outside, Kendrick and Kanellis exchanged blows, and The Man with a Plan took control until Maria put herself between her husband and the announce table.

Thanks to the assist from his wife, Kanellis fended off Kendrick. Showing off his aggression, Kanellis left Kendrick on defense and dished out a fair amount of punishment. Kendrick applied The Captain’s Hook, but Kanellis battled through the pain to reach the ropes and break the hold.

Kanellis grew increasingly frustrated with his inability to secure victory, and The Opportunist unloaded brutal elbow strikes and answered his opponent’s call to strike with savage kicks. Seemingly in control of the battle, Kanellis prepared to end the match, but Kendrick countered and executed Sliced Bread No. 2 for the shocking win.

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