Drew Gulak & Gentleman Jack Gallagher def. Cedric Alexander and Akira Tozawa

Cedric Alexander & Akira Tozawa vs. Drew Gulak & Gentleman Jack Gallagher: WWE 205 Live, Sept. 11, 2018

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander joins forces with Akira Tozawa to battle the dastardly duo of Drew Gulak and Gentleman Jack Gallagher.

Ever since being defeated by WWE Cruiserweight Champion Cedric Alexander at SummerSlam, Drew Gulak has been adamant about receiving another title opportunity. As a result, he has been antagonizing The Soul of WWE 205 Live and anyone in his path, including Akira Tozawa. After The Stamina Monster sidelined The Brian Kendrick, he’s teaming up with the champion hoping to silence Gulak and Gallagher.

Keeping Tozawa away from his partner, Gulak and Gallagher brilliantly took turns unloading on The Stamina Monster early in the match. As they continued to focus on Tozawa, The Stamina Monster eventually found the energy to take down Gulak with a DDT and tag in Alexander.

Ready for a fight, The Soul of WWE 205 Live didn’t give Gallagher any room to breathe, maintaining a brisk offense and nearly securing victory with a Spanish Fly in the center of the ring. However, Gulak broke up the pinfall and stared down the champion, pulling Alexander’s focus away from Gallagher. Although the champion briefly recovered, Gulak was clearly in his head.

However, the fighting champion avoided a double suplex, allowing Tozawa to tag himself back in and turn up the intensity at Gallagher’s expense. As Tozawa mounted incredible momentum, he prepared to take Gallagher down with his patented Senton, but Gulak pulled him away. Outside the ring, Gulak and Gallagher dismantled Alexander, tossing him into the ring post.

Back inside the ring, Gallagher leveled Tozawa with a headbutt and dragged him to Gulak, who tagged in and applied the Gulock for the tapout win. As Alexander seethed inside the ring, Gulak taunted him, declaring he was the champion WWE 205 Live deserved.

After the match, WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick announced that Drew Gulak has earned his title opportunity and will challenged Cedric Alexander for the WWE Cruiserweight Championship next week!

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