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Hideo Itami def. Trent Newman

Hideo Itami vs. Trent Newman: WWE 205 Live, Aug. 14, 2018

Following his dismantling of Mustafa Ali, Hideo Itami looks to steamroll Trent Newman.

After decimating Mustafa Ali last week on WWE 205 Live, Hideo Itami looked to continue his path of domination. Before the match, WWE 205 Live General Manager Drake Maverick provided an update on Ali. Maverick revealed Ali has been suffering from severe exhaustion but is expected to make a full recovery. Maverick also explained that he will not allow The Heart of WWE 205 Live to compete until he feels Ali is ready.

Ready for action and pleased with the destruction of Ali, Itami squared off against Trent Newman. As the opening bell rang, Itami taunted Newman before delivering a series of crushing strikes and methodically unleashing his anger on his opponent. As Itami demanded respect, Newman saw an opening to strike and managed to get in a few good hits before Itami recovered.

Again unleashing his sadistic rage, Itami refused to score a pinfall and instead continued to punish his opponent. With Newman defenseless in the corner, Itami struck with a series of basement dropkicks that knocked his opponent out. As a result, the official was forced to call the match. However, as Newman got back to his feet, Itami attacked again and demanded respect from the WWE Universe.

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