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Randy "Macho Man" Savage vs. "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase
WWE Championship Tournament Finals

One year after their historic battle at WrestleMania III, Hollywood Hogan and Andre the Giant took part in a tournament to determine a new World Wrestling Entertainment Champion. The title had been vacated after Andre the Giant tried to give the WWE Championship to "Million Dollar Man" Ted DiBiase. President Jack Tunney disallowed the transaction and vacated the title.

Thanks to a double disqualification, Hogan and Andre were both eliminated from the tournament, which allowed Randy "Macho Man" Savage to steal the spotlight at WrestleMania IV.

Savage advanced to the tournament finals where he met Ted DiBiase. Recharged after a bye from the semifinals, DiBiase dominated the match and was en route to capturing the championship he actually tried to buy a month earlier. But thanks to some help from Hogan, Savage recovered to drop his Flying Elbow and defeat DiBaise to capture his first WWE Championship.

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