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NXT UK’s Piper Niven in action against Zelina Vega

NXT UK’s Piper Niven in action against Zelina Vega

Piper Niven has wasted no time making her presence felt in the NXT UK Women’s division, but on this week’s Worlds Collide, the Scottish powerhouse will get a chance to prove herself against Zelina Vega.

Although Vega is best known as Andrade's calculating business associate, she has also demonstrated her ring prowess when the situation calls for it. And while she may be petite, no one has ever questioned Zelina’s scrappiness. It’s a different matter entirely whether that will be enough to get the win against Niven — one of the most imposing Superstars in WWE, who is also intent on making a splash in only her second match on WWE Network since the inaugural Mae Young Classic.

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