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Cryin' Bryan

Nikki Bella asks for Daniel Bryan's help with her comeback: Total Divas Preview Clip, Dec. 7, 2016

Brie tries to distract Nikki from talking to Bryan about returning to the ring.

The status of Nikki Bella and Daniel Bryan’s relationship is still complicated following their big blow up on Total Bellas, as they haven’t really spent any time together since then despite more or less burying the hatchet. Brie thinks inviting Nikki to stay with her and Bryan in Aberdeen is a good way to mend the relationship, and Nikki goes so far as to try to buy a literal olive branch for D-Bry (she settles on an apple tree). But The Fearless One has a slight ulterior motive in mind: She wants Bryan to train her for her comeback. Brie, however, puts the kibosh on any and all wrestling talk around Bryan, so things just get more and more awkward until Bryan, in an attempt to make conversation, asks how Nikki’s comeback is going. At this point, Brie bristles and Nikki reveals she’s under a gag order before storming out of brunch. Besides feeling somewhat insulted that Brie didn’t think he can handle talking about WWE, Bryan explains that talking about Nikki’s comeback is something that might actually help their relationship, since he’s genuinely interested in it. At this point, the relationship is mended and Bryan starts to give Nikki some new ideas, including a prototype for a new version of the Rack Attack.

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