Birdie is here! Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan welcome their daughter to the world

Birdie is here! Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan welcome their daughter to the world

Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan welcomed daughter Birdie Joe Danielson to the world on Tuesday, May 9 at 11:58 p.m. The healthy baby girl came into the world at 8 pounds, 10 ounces and 21 inches. 

"There is no better feeling in the world than meeting your daughter,” a jubilant Brie said. “I can't even express the overwhelming joy and love that Bryan and I are feeling. Now we know what parents mean about the love you feel when you first meet your child. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers on the safety of Birdie coming into this world."

For all the latest on Birdie's arrival, keep tabs on The Bella Twins YouTube Channel. congratulates Brie & Daniel on this exciting new chapter in their lives. 

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