Birdie Joe and the Bear

Birdie Joe and the Bear

Since becoming single, Nikki Bella has rented a Ferrari, moved into a beachside rental that’s extravagantly priced and invited every beach bum with a pulse to party during a housewarming shindig. She’s either having a midlife crisis or she’s “blooming,” and Brie Bella is firmly in the former camp as she watches her sister drop big money on luxuries she probably can’t quiiiite afford as part of her post-breakup glow-up. Nikki, of course, disagrees; she’s just trying to live her best life and reset things on her terms, and this is the best way to do so after her move to Los Angeles falls through. Despite the skepticism of her family (Mama Bella, panicked by the locals’ easy access to her daughter’s house, actually advocates armed defense tactics), everyone comes to realize that a hard reset is the best thing for her — and that may or may not include the start of a little fling with Artem, Nikki’s former “Dancing With the Stars” pro whom she meets for a quick, sparky catch-up lunch.

On the other side of the Bella sisterhood, Brie and Daniel Bryan are trying to balance their full-time WWE schedules with parenting Birdie Joe, and both worry their extended absences will have an adverse effect on their daughter. Brie tries to buy a giant teddy bear to help keep her daughter happy; the little one bursts into tears at the nightmarish sight almost instantly. Bryan is similarly at a loss, until they consult a child development specialist who tells the couple Birdie’s young enough she probably won’t remember any of this in the long run anyway. Everybody wins! Except the bear.

Total Bellas returns Sunday, Feb. 10, at 9/8 C on E!.

Nikki Bella is "blooming": Total Bellas, Jan. 27, 2019

Having viewed her sister's expenses as a cry for help, Brie Bella comes to a different, more positive conclusion.

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