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Survivor Series: WarGames

Match Results

Date and location

Sunday, Nov 26 | 12 AMET/9 PMPT

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John Cena, Kane, Lashley, Sabu & RVD def. Big Show, Test, MVP, Finlay & Umaga (Traditional Survivor Series Match)

In a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match, WWE Champion John Cena delivered an FU to the 517 pound ECW World Champion Big Show to take the win along with Lashley. It took the combined power of the two to finally wear down the seven-foot Big Show.

WWE fans were on their feet and rallied for the newest Extremist,  Lashley, as he returned to Philadelphia, original home of ECW. After the match, Lashley told WWE.com, "I'm looking forward to working around this area and fighting with the ECW style." 
Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Lashley and Kane joined Cena against the Extreme Giant, Umaga, Finlay, Montel Vontavious Porter and Test. Combining athletes from all three brands, many rivals found themselves facing their antagonists head to head. Grabbing a monitor, Umaga -- the undefeated Samoan Bulldozer -- was disqualified early in the match after dominating any who dared to face him. After an appearance by Little Bastard, Finlay was eliminated thanks to a spear by Lashley.
Cena secured the pin proving he is worthy of the title WWE Champion. Lashley began to build his own momentum as he barrels towards the Extreme Elimination Chamber at the December to Dismember pay-per-view live from Augusta, Ga., next Sunday.

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Survivor Series: WarGames
Survivor Series: WarGames
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Survivor Series: WarGames
Survivor Series: WarGames
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In a Traditional Survivor Series Elimination Match, WWE Champion John Cena delivered an FU to the 517 pound ECW World Champion Big Show to take the win along with Lashley. It took the combined power of the two to finally wear down the seven-foot Big Show.

WWE fans were on their feet and rallied for the newest Extremist,  Lashley, as he returned to Philadelphia, original home of ECW. After the match, Lashley told WWE.com, "I'm looking forward to working around this area and fighting with the ECW style." 
Rob Van Dam, Sabu, Lashley and Kane joined Cena against the Extreme Giant, Umaga, Finlay, Montel Vontavious Porter and Test. Combining athletes from all three brands, many rivals found themselves facing their antagonists head to head. Grabbing a monitor, Umaga -- the undefeated Samoan Bulldozer -- was disqualified early in the match after dominating any who dared to face him. After an appearance by Little Bastard, Finlay was eliminated thanks to a spear by Lashley.
Cena secured the pin proving he is worthy of the title WWE Champion. Lashley began to build his own momentum as he barrels towards the Extreme Elimination Chamber at the December to Dismember pay-per-view live from Augusta, Ga., next Sunday.

Get 10% off AND free shipping at WWEShop.com when you use code RUREADY.