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Triple H vs. Goldberg vs. Randy Orton vs. Kevin Nash vs. Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho in the Elimination Chamber for the World Heavyweight Championship

SummerSlam marked the second time that the Elimination Chamber was ever used. Shawn Michaels had won the first Elimination Chamber match, and he hoped lightning would strike twice. Triple H was aligned with Evolution teammate Randy Orton, but would anyone be able to stop Goldberg? Chris Jericho and Kevin Nash were also trying to get back to the top of the ladder, and with the unpredictability of the Elimination Chamber, anything was possible.

In the Elimination Chamber, two Superstars start the match and then after a predetermined amount of time, another Superstar, who is waiting in a glass enclosure, enters until all six participants have entered the ring. The action continues until only one Superstar remains.

Shawn Michaels and Chris Jericho started out, getting the match off to a blistering pace. Randy Orton was the next to enter as the action heated up. Kevin Nash was the fourth man into the Chamber, but his time was limited as HBK nailed his former bodyguard with Sweet Chin Music, eliminating the big man from contention. Triple H came in next, but Michaels nailed him with the Sweet Chin Music as well, sending him back into his chamber.

Goldberg was the final man to enter the chamber and he immediately cleaned house. He started out by spearing Randy Orton and eliminating the Evolution member. He then speared Chris Jericho through the glass of one of the chambers and hit Michaels with a spear when HBK came off the top rope. After Jackhammers to Michaels and HBK, only Triple H remained. Triple H was hiding inside a chamber, but Goldberg smashed through the glass to get to him. While Goldberg was getting ready for the spear, though, Ric Flair gave Triple H the sledgehammer, and The Game nailed Goldberg as he rushed towards him for the win. After the match, Triple H handcuffed Goldberg to the structure as he, Flair and Orton pummeled Goldberg with the sledgehammer, leaving him a bloody mess.

Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship

Kurt Angle and Brock Lesnar had one of the most exciting rivalries in recent memory. Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle at WrestleMania XIX in an epic confrontation that saw the massive Lesnar attempt a Shooting Star Press and finally put Angle away with an F-5. Angle then defeated Lesnar and Big Show at Vengeance in a Triple Threat Match to recapture the gold. But would the Olympic Gold Medalist be able to win in a one-on-one matchup?

With each Superstar knowing each other so well, neither man was able to get a clear advantage early on. Angle was able to avoid the F-5, and Lesnar was able to kick out of the Angle Slam. The referee got caught in between Angle and Lesnar and suffered the consequences. Angle hooked the Ankle Lock and Lesnar tapped out, but the ref was incapacitated. Mr. McMahon then broke it up when he nailed Angle in the back with a steel chair. Lesnar hit an F-5, but it only got a two-count. He went for another one, but Angle reversed it into an Ankle Lock. Brock Lesnar made it to the ropes twice, but both times Angle dragged him back to the center of the ring until Lesnar finally tapped out.

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