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The Rock vs. Triple H vs. Kurt Angle in a Triple Threat Match for the WWE Championship

The Rock and Triple H were engaged in a bitter rivalry in the months leading up to SummerSlam. Additionally, Kurt Angle had taken a liking to Triple H's wife, Stephanie McMahon, so The Game and Angle were also at odds. Put it all together and you have one wild main event for SummerSlam with the WWE Championship on the line in a Triple Threat Match.

Triple H and Kurt Angle started going at it before The Rock even had a chance to get to the ring. The action quickly spilled to the floor and Triple H went for a Pedigree on the Spanish announce table. After Angle went through the table, Triple H went in for the kill with his sledgehammer, but The Rock made his entrance and stopped the attack. While Triple H and The Rock began brawling, EMTs rushed to Angle's aid and began to stretcher him out. Triple H would have none of that, however, and dragged Angle back to the ring.

The Rock and Triple H continued fighting in the ring, while Stephanie was tending to Angle. She then retrieved the WWE Championship belt, but missed her target and nailed Triple H by accident. The Rock then went to the outside to confront Stephanie, but he was low-blowed and Triple H nailed him with the sledgehammer in the ribs when they got back into the ring. Stephanie then gave Angle the sledgehammer, which he used to nail Triple H. Angle went for the cover, but The Rock broke it up and threw Angle to the outside. With Angle out of the equation, The Rock hit the People's Elbow for the pin to retain the WWE Championship.

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