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Saturday Night's Main Event

Match Results

Date and location

Saturday, Jul 15 | 12 AMET/9 PMPT

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Carlito & Trish Stratus def. Johnny Nitro & Melina

The international clash between the hot Hollywood duo, Melina and Johnny Nitro, and the cool Canadian-Caribbean connection, Trish Stratus and Carlito, exploded at their Mixed Tag Team Match at Saturday Night's Main Event. Carlito pinned Intercontinental Champion, Nitro, with the help of Trish, who ensured Nitro's partner Melina didn't interfere.

The matched started with both men in the ring, but Nitro stopped Carlito before the action could get underway. He tagged in Melina, who immediately called out Trish. The women traded blows until Nitro tripped Trish as she was coming off the ropes.

Melina took the opportunity give Trish a wet thumb to the eye. Trish responded by having her partner, Carlito, lick her hand before giving Melina a chop. A hair toss from Melina brought both women to their knees, so they tagged in their partners.

The men feverishly went at it. Carlito gained the advantage, hitting Nitro with a drop kick and some wheelbarrow action. Melina jumped in the ring to help her partner get the edge, but Trish had Carlito's back. She flew across the ring and jumped on Melina. The women went rolling out of the ring to the floor.

Carlito gave the unaided Nitro a Back Cracker and pinned him for the win. Trish joined Carlito in the ring to celebrate their victory while Nitro helped a furious, screaming Melina from the floor and back to the locker-room area.

Saturday Night's Main Event
Saturday Night's Main Event
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Saturday Night's Main Event
Saturday Night's Main Event
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The international clash between the hot Hollywood duo, Melina and Johnny Nitro, and the cool Canadian-Caribbean connection, Trish Stratus and Carlito, exploded at their Mixed Tag Team Match at Saturday Night's Main Event. Carlito pinned Intercontinental Champion, Nitro, with the help of Trish, who ensured Nitro's partner Melina didn't interfere.

The matched started with both men in the ring, but Nitro stopped Carlito before the action could get underway. He tagged in Melina, who immediately called out Trish. The women traded blows until Nitro tripped Trish as she was coming off the ropes.

Melina took the opportunity give Trish a wet thumb to the eye. Trish responded by having her partner, Carlito, lick her hand before giving Melina a chop. A hair toss from Melina brought both women to their knees, so they tagged in their partners.

The men feverishly went at it. Carlito gained the advantage, hitting Nitro with a drop kick and some wheelbarrow action. Melina jumped in the ring to help her partner get the edge, but Trish had Carlito's back. She flew across the ring and jumped on Melina. The women went rolling out of the ring to the floor.

Carlito gave the unaided Nitro a Back Cracker and pinned him for the win. Trish joined Carlito in the ring to celebrate their victory while Nitro helped a furious, screaming Melina from the floor and back to the locker-room area.