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Can Dolph Ziggler Beat the Brogue Kick?

Constantly falling prey to the Brogue Kick of World Heavyweight Champion Sheamus must be painful for Dolph Ziggler.

And why not? Is there a more dangerous weapon in the ring today than The Great White’s explosive finisher? With all of the sheer power and intensity that Sheamus puts behind the maneuver, it is capable of destroying a challenger in less than a second. Just blink and The Great White will plant his right foot into the ring apron and propel his left foot forward before his opponent even knows what hit him.

Ziggler understands that chain of events all too well. Despite his incredible efforts as of late, he has failed to overcome his own personal Irish curse in more than half a dozen encounters with Sheamus since last December. The bearer of the Money in the Bank contract — guaranteeing him a World Heavyweight Championship Match whenever he chooses to cash it in over the next year — has repeatedly and unwillingly kissed the sole of Sheamus’ size 13 boot. He has felt the ring apron reverberate from the referee counting the pinfall, with only the first notes of the Irish Superstar’s theme song to taunt him back to his senses.

The rapid sequence of Brogue Kick, pinfall and “Written in My Face” will keep occurring unless Ziggler can learn to somehow counter that which seemingly has no counter - the fierce champion's seemingly perfect weapon. If he can't, the cocky competitor’s advantage of being able to cash in his prized contract at any time can and will continue to be undone with one knockout kick after another. 

Can Dolph Ziggler Beat the Brogue Kick?
Sometimes, Ziggler’s wows are due to a distraction that comes as the result of another Superstar being at ringside, as it did with Jack Swagger on the June 1 edition of SmackDown ( WATCH) or Zack Ryder on the December 5, 2011 edition of Raw. ( WATCH) In other instances, the diverted attention is merely the result of a war-torn Ziggler being unable to get his wits about him before finding himself on the receiving end of his adversary’s jaw-dropping maneuver — just as he did on the March 12 ( WATCH) and June 4 ( WATCH) episodes of Raw.

Regardless of the reason, if he cannot overcome his vulnerability to the maneuver and learn to detect where Sheamus is at all times, does that leave any room for Ziggler to succeed in making good on his unique title opportunity? Is the element of surprise that comes with being Mr. Money in the Bank enough for The Showoff to capitalize against a weakened Sheamus and his unstoppable Brogue Kick? Or does he have to cut his losses and wait for another Superstar to win the World Heavyweight Championship first?

It’s unfortunate that the brash grappler hasn’t found any answers yet. But if The Showoff is truly here to show the world that he’s ready to cash in his contract for a guaranteed World Heavyweight Title opportunity, what can Ziggler do differently to ensure that he won’t be checking to see if his jaw’s still attached as The Celtic Warrior’s theme music triumphantly fills the arena?

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