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Kevin Owens and Drew McIntyre came to blows after heated exchange

Drew McIntyre attacks Kevin Owen prior to their impromptu match: SmackDown LIVE, July 30, 2019

With Shane McMahon absent from SmackDown LIVE, Drew McIntyre comes to blows with KO just moments before the two Superstars engage in an impromptu matchup.

Kevin Owens kicked off SmackDown LIVE with one motive in mind: Continue to rail against Shane McMahon ahead of their high-stakes SummerSlam matchup. Unsurprisingly, Drew McIntyre took issue with that.

McIntyre rejected KO’s hot takes on Shane-O-Mac, letting KO know that, per a decree from Shane, they had a match tonight, before promptly decking Owens right in the face with the microphone. Drew followed up by chucking KO over the announce table before dropping another piece of news: That match, yeah, it was next.

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