Kofi Kingston’s battle with Samoa Joe saw Randy Orton try to wreak pre-SummerSlam havoc

Kofi Kingston vs. Samoa Joe: SmackDown LIVE, July 23, 2019

The WWE Champion rekindles his rivalry with The Samoan Submission Machine until Randy Orton makes his presence felt.

Kofi Kingston and Samoa Joe ran it back in a WWE Extreme Rules rematch while Randy Orton kept a watchful eye at ringside.

Clearly with no love lost after their recent saga, Kingston and Joe threw down in an absolute slugfest. Joe attempted to keep Kingston grounded, but in the clutch, The Viper tried to take out Kofi with his signature RKO outta nowhere. However, the WWE Champion was ready for it, and he evaded the move, resulting in a standoff with The Apex Predator. Instead, The Samoan Submission Machine got an RKO for his troubles, which was quickly followed by a Trouble in Paradise from Kingston right to Orton’s dome piece.

The road to SummerSlam was now firmly defined and already scorching.

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