Elias def. The Miz in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match

Elias def. The Miz in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match

With The Miz still itching to get his hands on Shane McMahon, The A-Lister squared off with Elias tonight, and if he could prevail over The Living Truth in a 2-out-of-3 Falls Match, he would get a future one-on-one contest with The Best in the World.

Miz came out of the gates hot, but he was put down for the first fall when Shane ran interference, allowing Elias to catch him with Drift Away to secure the first fall.

From there, a methodical Elias slowed the pace, but Miz battled back, decking Shane-O-Mac and nearly evening the score when he connected with the Skull-Crushing Finale. However, Shane ran into the ring and ambushed The Miz to prevent the three-count, though his actions gave the second fall to The Awesome One. Shane and Elias continued their onslaught, beating Miz down and ramming him into the announcer’s table before Shane finished the pulverizing with a mocking of Roman Reigns’ Spear. Staggered from the savage attack, The A-Lister was easy pickings for Elias, who took the third fall to once again keep Shane out of Miz’s grasp.

Shane and Elias returned to the ring to add the exclamation point, as Elias held Miz in place to absorb the full brunt of Shane’s Coast-to-Coast directly to the guts. The lesson, according to Shane? Don’t come at him again.

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