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Kofi Kingston got a measure of retribution on Kevin Owens

Kofi Kingston got a measure of retribution on Kevin Owens

With yet another savage assault of The New Day under his belt, Kevin Owens had been promising that Xavier Woods would appear as a guest on “The Kevin Owens Show,” despite being pulverized by KO earlier in the evening.

Owens called for Woods to arrive before introducing an Xavier Woods action figure and propping it up in the guest’s chair. KO added a Big E action figure (complete with a bandaged leg) and asked them a few condescending questions, insulting The New Day and suggesting that Kofi stole his WrestleMania moment. Owens’ tirade was cut short though, when an impassioned Kingston stormed down to get a piece of his challenger. The Dreadlocked Dynamo chucked Owens over the announce table and dropped a chair on top of him before Owens gouged his eyes and escaped through the WWE Universe … at least for now.

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