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AJ Styles has more to say to Samoa Joe

AJ Styles returns to respond to Samoa Joe: SmackDown LIVE, Aug. 7, 2018

The WWE Champion returns with a fiery response to Samoa Joe's claim that he's become a champion at the expense of his family.

WWE Champion AJ Styles returned to SmackDown LIVE last week with strong words for his SummerSlam opponent, Samoa Joe, one week after the challenger insinuated that Styles is a poor father. The Phenomenal One said The Samoan Submission Machine would walk into Brooklyn for their championship battle, but he might have trouble walking out.

Apparently, the WWE Champion has more to say, as he will be responding further to his SummerSlam opponent. Is Styles going to lay into Joe with another fiery retort before Sunday, or are Samoa Joe’s mind games working?

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