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Rumble Match

Stone Cold (spot No. 24) wins the Royal Rumble Match

Stone Cold made it two in a row in 1998, last eliminating The Rock to win the Royal Rumble Match. In doing so, Stone Cold became the third Superstar to boast multiple Royal Rumble Match wins. This Rumble began with hardcore forces Cactus Jack and Chainsaw Charlie as the starting participants. But it wouldn't be the last time we'd see a "face of Foley" during this Rumble. Mick Foley would return at No. 16 as Mankind and again at No. 28 as Dude Love. Despite being the first Superstar with three different Rumble tickets punched, Foley could do no better than the final four.


  1. Cactus Jack
  2. Chainsaw Charlie
  3. Tom Brandi
  4. The Rock
  5. Mosh
  6. Phineas Godwinn
  7. 8-Ball
  8. JBL 
  9. Owen Hart
  10. Steve Blackman
  11. D-Lo Brown
  12. Kurrgan
  13. Marc Mero
  14. Ken Shamrock
  15. Thrasher
  16. Mankind
  17. Goldust
  18. Jeff Jarrett
  19. Honky Tonk Man
  20. Ahmed Johnson
  21. Mark Henry
  22. Skull
  23. Kama
  24. Stone Cold
  25. Henry Godwinn
  26. Savio Vega
  27. Faarooq
  28. Dude Love
  29. Chainz
  30. Vader


  1. Tom Brandi by Cactus Jack & Chainsaw Charlie
  2. Cactus Jack by Chainsaw Charlie
  3. Mosh by Kurrgan
  4. Steve Blackman by Kurrgan
  5. Kurrgan by multiple Superstars
  6. Chainsaw Charlie by Mankind
  7. Mankind by Goldust
  8. Jeff Jarrett by Owen Hart
  9. Shamrock by The Rock
  10. Owen Hart by Goldust
  11. Skull by himself
  12. Ahmed Johnson by Mark Henry and D-Lo Brown
  13. Phineas Godwinn by Mark Henry
  14. Marc Mero by Stone Cold
  15. 8-Ball by Stone Cold
  16. JBL by Dude Love
  17. D-Lo by Faarooq
  18. Honky Tonk Man by Vader
  19. Thrasher by Stone Cold
  20. Kama by Stone Cold
  21. Savio by Stone Cold
  22. Vader by Goldust
  23. Henry Godwinn by Dude Love
  24. Goldust by Chainz
  25. Chainz by Stone Cold
  26. Mark Henry by Faarooq
  27. Dude Love by Faarooq
  28. Faarooq by The Rock 
  29. The Rock by Stone Cold

Winner: Stone Cold

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