Rumble Match
Triple H (spot No. 22) wins the Royal Rumble Match
"The Game" earned his only Royal Rumble Match victory in 2002, last eliminating Kurt Angle -- much to the Olympic gold medalist's dismay. During this match, Maven shocked everyone by eliminating Undertaker, who was a dangerous Royal Rumble Match threat. The Phenom then made Maven pay dearly for his actions. After Stone Cold's elimination, he re-entered the ring with a chair and got some payback. Mr. Perfect was also a member of the final four participants.
- Rikishi
- Goldust
- Big Bossman
- Lance Storm
- Al Snow
- Billy Gunn
- Undertaker
- Matt Hardy
- Jeff Hardy
- Maven
- Scotty Too Hotty
- Christian
- Diamond Dallas Page
- Chuck Palumbo
- The Godfather
- Albert
- Perry Saturn
- Steve Austin
- Val Venis
- Test
- Triple H
- The Hurricane
- Farooq
- Mr. Perfect
- Kurt Angle
- Big Show
- Kane
- Rob Van Dam
- Booker T
- Big Bossman by Rikishi
- Lance Storm by Al Snow
- JBL by Goldust
- Goldust by Undertaker
- Al Snow by Undertaker
- Rikishi by Undertaker
- Billy Gunn by Undertaker
- Jeff Hardy by Undertaker
- Matt Hardy by Undertaker
- Undertaker by Maven
- Maven by Undertaker
- Diamond Dallas Page by Christian
- Albert
- Godfather by Billy and Chuck
- Scotty Too Hotty by Chuck
- Christian by Stone Cold
- Chuck by Stone Cold
- Saturn by Stone Cold
- Val Venis by Stone Cold
- Test by Stone Cold
- The Hurricane by Triple H and Stone Cold
- Farooq by Stone Cold
- Big Show by Kane
- Kane by Angle
- Rob Van Dam by Booker T
- Booker T by Stone Cold
- Stone Cold by Kurt Angle
- Mr. Perfect by Triple H
- Angle by Triple H
WINNER: Triple H
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