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WWE Champion Brock Lesnar to appear live on Raw

Brock Lesnar has score to settle against Ricochet at WWE Super ShowDown

After Ricochet’s low blow led to his elimination at Royal Rumble, The Beast Incarnate has his sights set on payback in the WWE Championship Match at WWE Super ShowDown on Feb. 27.

The last time Brock Lesnar appeared on Raw, it was a surprise attack on his WWE Super ShowDown challenger Ricochet. This time, The Beast is going to make sure his opponent sees him coming, and that might be even more intimidating.

Lesnar is scheduled to appear live on Raw just three days before his title defense, which pits him against a peerless high-flyer with a legendary heart. Lesnar loves to beat the hope out of guys like that, but Ricochet is, as we know, different. While Brock may be coming to Raw as a scare tactic, don’t be surprised if his posturing only serves to strengthen the challenger’s resolve.

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