Raw highlights: May 14, 2018

Bobby Roode becomes “Snorious” during WWE’s European tour

Roode vs. Elias

If we’ve learned anything from following WWE’s Superstars on social media, it’s that if you’re caught sleeping on a bus, at an airport or on a flight, you’re leaving yourself open to photographic mockery. 
The latest target of this phenomenon? Bobby Roode, who tried to catch some shut-eye mid-flight during WWE’s exhaustive European tour this week. 

As Roode drifted off to Dreamland, Zack Ryder snapped a pic of his fellow Raw Superstar, and the result is simply, well, “Snorious.” 

We have to give props to Long Island Iced-Z for the wordplay, but we wonder: Will Ryder face retribution for this naptime snapshot? 

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