Mickie James vs. Divas Champion Maryse

The special ring announcer is Jared Fogle of "Subway" fame.
He announces Mickie James as the first opponent in the next match.
Mickie is one of the most talented Divas on the Raw roster.
The beautiful Diva thanks Jared for his announcing.
The "Subway" personality prepares to announce Mickie's opponent.
Divas Champion Maryse is ready to go one-on-one with Mickie James.
The beautiful Diva came to Raw just a few weeks ago in the Draft.
Immediately, Mickie takes down Maryse in the center of the ring.
The Divas Champion goes for the cover, looking for a quick victory.
It will take a lot more than just that to put Mickie James down for the count.
Maryse does everything in her power to wear her opponent down.
Mickie fights back to the best of her abilities.
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