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Seth Rollins wants a fair fight out of Brock Lesnar: WWE.com Exclusive, June 7, 2019

After thwarting Brock Lesnar’s cash-in attempt at WWE Super ShowDown, Universal Champion Seth Rollins implores The Beast Incarnate to step up with a fair challenge.

Seth Rollins retained his Universal Championship against Baron Corbin at WWE Super ShowDown, but a post-match End of Days from The Lone Wolf left The Beastslayer vulnerable to Brock Lesnar’s promised Money in the Bank cash-in … or so the WWE Universe thought. When Lesnar’s advocate Paul Heyman tripped on the way into the ring, The Beast was momentarily distracted, giving Rollins the opening he needed to stagger The Conqueror with an uppercut below the belt. Rollins then unleashed on Lesnar with steel chair strikes, punctuating the punishment with a Stomp to The Beast onto the Money in the Bank briefcase.

Lesnar is deterred, at least momentarily, but he never officially cashed in his Money in the Bank contract, meaning that he still has nearly a year to cash in for a World Championship opportunity at the time and place of his choosing. As The Beast licks his wounds and bides his time, Rollins looks ahead to a Universal Championship rematch against Corbin at WWE Stomping Grounds.

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