“The Demon” Finn Bálor confronted Intercontinental Champion Bobby Lashley

Finn Bálor will introduce Bobby Lashley to The Demon at WrestleMania: Raw, April 1, 2019

The Demon will be unleashed as Finn Bálor challenges Bobby Lashley for the Intercontinental Championship at WrestleMania.

Bobby Lashley isn’t thrilled that Finn Bálor is challenging him for the Intercontinental Title at WrestleMania — after all, the dynamic Irishman didn’t pin him to get the bout. But Lashley and Lio Rush’s insistence that he has Bálor’s number under any and all circumstances might be a little misguided. While The All Mighty paid little respect to the idea of having to face Bálor’s infamous Demon at WrestleMania, he seemed a lot less confident when The Extraordinary Man transformed into his ghoulish alter-ego on the TitanTron, confirming The Demon’s presence at The Showcase of the Immortals. In fact, for all his well-earned bravado, the Intercontinental Champion had the look of a man who had talked himself into a world of trouble.

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