Batista gave his final remarks before his No Holds Barred Match with Triple H

Batista sends a final message to Triple H before WrestleMania: Raw, April 1, 2019

The Animal makes a pointed statement to The Game before their No Holds Barred Match on The Grandest Stage of Them All.

Give Batista this: He got what he wanted. Triple H at WrestleMania in a potential career-capping match? Done. An extra caveat that The Game has to hang up his boots if he loses? He even secured that thanks to a savvy bit of legalese. Take issue with his methods all you want — and there’s plenty of issue to take — but Big Dave’s comeback has been one successfully-executed power play after another, right down to his final Raw before WrestleMania, wherein he marched down the ramp, seemingly ready to give one final impassioned speech … and then threw to a video package of his various victories over Triple H, told The Game to “kiss his a**” and walked out of the ring. As a troll of his opponent, The Animal's move was unparalleled. His hometown crowd seemed to appreciate it, too. But he might do well to refrain from counting his chickens. For all his confidence, he might be forgetting one thing: Triple H is getting what he wants as well.

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