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Alexa Bliss revealed the host of WrestleMania 35 on “A Moment of Bliss”

Alexa Bliss will host WrestleMania: Raw, March 11, 2019

WrestleMania will become even more "Blissful" as The Goddess hosts The Showcase of the Immortals at MetLife Stadium.

When Alexa Bliss announced she would be holding a special edition of “A Moment of Bliss” dedicated solely to revealing this year’s WrestleMania host, buzz abounded as to who the lucky selection would be. But The Goddess may have inadvertently tipped her skeleton-gloved hand when she promised the host would be bigger than Kim Kardashian, more electrifying than The Rock and possessing more Power of Positivity than The New Day. Such a Superstar does not exist except in Bliss’ own mind, which is why The Goddess’ reaction to the “surprise” of being named as host was about exactly what you should have expected: “You’re welcome.” All of which isn't to say the selection is a poor one. Bliss is a certified star if there ever was one, and this arrangement certainly has the potential to pay off: In 27 days, this vanity exercise may well have proven to be a sign of great things to come.

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