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Sasha Banks, Mickie James & Dana Brooke def. Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax & Emma

Sasha Banks, Mickie James & Dana Brooke def. Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss, Nia Jax & Emma

Alexa Bliss managed to hang on to her Raw Women’s Title on a technicality last week, but she put herself in the unenviable position of having nearly every woman in the Team Red ladies’ locker room — including a returning Emma — gunning for her prize.

A confrontation between Bliss and the assembled women of Raw — minus Bayley, who still hasn’t competed since losing her title rematch — led to a Six-Woman Tag Team Match among champion and potential challengers.

During the bout, all of Bliss’ opponents — Sasha Banks in particular — wanted a piece of her. When Sasha had Emma on the ropes, Alexa did the only thing she could do: Ditched the match before being tagged in, leaving Emma to tap out to a match-ending Bank Statement after Mickie James neutralized Nia Jax.

Of course, Six-Woman Tags don’t decide titles, and Alexa’s championship reign will continue. However, it's fair to question whether Little Miss Bliss has missed an opportunity to shore up allies for the fights to come.

Bayley reveals her next move: Raw, June 12, 2017

In a candid interview, The Huggable One comes to terms with her loss to Raw Women's Champion Alexa Bliss at WWE Extreme Rules and explains where she's going from here.

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