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Apollo Crews def. Heath Slater

Apollo Crews vs. Heath Slater: Raw, April 18, 2016

The sensational Apollo Crews takes on The Social Outcasts' "Crimson Werewolf," Heath Slater.

Ever since he showed up on Raw, Apollo Crews has been running through all of The Social Outcasts, one member at a time. That, oddly enough, earned him a formal invitation to join the social-media savvy faction, which he accepted provided one of the Outcasts could beat him on Raw. That challenge was answered by Heath Slater, but sadly for the social media darling Heathy Baby, his effort against Crews went the same way as those of his #squad, a loss via Spinning Sit-out Powerbomb — though Slater did come close with a rollup reversal of a crossbody.

Per the agreement Crews struck before the match, that means The Social Outcasts have to leave him be forever. It’s just as well: a pointed, post-match staredown between Crews and Kevin Owens on the ramp suggests Crews may have a bigger target on his mind soon enough.

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