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Apollo Crews def. Adam Rose

Apollo Crews vs. Adam Rose: Raw, April 11, 2016

The exciting Apollo Crews continues his hot streak against "The Radical Mongoose."

Another win for the Apollo Nation on Raw, as Apollo Crews marked his second straight week out of NXT with a second consecutive Monday night victory, this time over Adam Rose of The Social Outcasts (tough night for those guys). “The Radical Mongoose,” like any mongoose worthy of the name, at least went down kicking and screaming, though technically it was Bo Dallas who did all the screaming on the outside. All the Bo-lief in the world wasn’t enough to propel Dallas’ fellow Outcast to the win, however. Rose put Crews on his back for a moment and had a shot at a small package, but Crews simply muscled his way out of the rollup and landed the Spinning Sit-out Powerbomb to win it.

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