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Stephanie McMahon delivered her Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award acceptance speech

Stephanie McMahon delivered her Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award acceptance speech

As you may remember, Shane McMahon returned last week to shake up the power structure of Monday Night Raw. Perhaps lost in the shuffle of his return, however, was the fact that Stephanie McMahon had just won the Vincent J. McMahon Legacy of Excellence Award. So Stephanie took the opportunity to deliver a belated acceptance speech one week after her initial remarks were interrupted … and she didn’t get far.

The boos of the WWE Universe where so resounding that Stephanie’s gratitude turned to gripes in all of five seconds. By the end, she had cursed the “wastes of life” in the WWE Universe, questioned the foundation of her brother’s claim to WWE, proclaimed herself “Queen” of WWE and promised Shane’s doom at WrestleMania. Hell of a speech.

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