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Ryback def. Adam Rose

Ryback vs. Adam Rose: Raw, February 29, 2016

The Big Guy delivers some #brutality to The Social Outcasts' so-called "Radical Mongoose."

Last week, Ryback revealed his strategy with regards to the proverbial glass ceiling and brass ring: “Break it, take it.” The only thing he broke on Raw was Adam Rose in a one-on-one match, and the only thing he took was a resounding victory over “The Radical Mongoose,” delivered without the slightest semblance of mercy.

What began as a match transformed into a one-man demolition, so much so that both the Outcasts and WWE official John Cone were powerless to stop The Big Guy. Ryback wisely didn’t beat on Rose so badly as to get himself disqualified, and the Shell Shocked that came moments later put the Mongoose in a hole from which he could not return.

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