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Earn an exclusive John Cena badge tonight on WWE Superfan Showdown!

Earn an exclusive John Cena badge tonight on WWE Superfan Showdown!

Celebrate John Cena’s WrestleMania 29 victory over The Rock and record-setting 11th WWE Championship reign with an exclusive badge, available for one night only on WWE Superfan Showdown on Facebook.

Between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m. ET tonight, all you have to do is log in to Superfan Showdown through your Facebook account. Watch videos, answer trivia questions and make your voice heard in our polls, all while gaining experience points that will help you climb the ladder to becoming the ultimate WWE Superfan.

Go on quests, completing specific tasks that will boost you up the rankings even quicker. Plus, earn WWE coins that you can use to buy Virtual Superstars, animated autographs and more!

Click here now to log in to WWE Superfan Showdown!

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