Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

In one of the most brutal attacks ever against Mr. McMahon, Brock Lesnar broke The Chairman’s hip with an F-5 on last week’s Raw. ( WATCH | INJURY UPDATE) The attack came just as Mr. McMahon appeared ready to fire CM Punk’s associate, Paul Heyman, for his ties to The Shield and Brad Maddox. Lots of questions were swirling in the WWE Universe when Raw went off the air last week. Here are five reasons to tune in tonight at 8/7 CT on USA Network.

1. Who is next in Brock Lesnar's sights?

Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

After Brock Lesnar defeated Triple H at SummerSlam, he said in a Tout that he accomplished everything he set out to do and he was never coming back to WWE. ( TOUT VIDEO) Why did Lesnar resurface in WWE last week? Is there something new he is hoping to accomplish in 2013? If he’s willing to attack The Chairman, is anyone safe? Lots of questions remain about what the former UFC Heavyweight Champion might do next.

2. How will The Chairman respond to Lesnar's attack?

Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

Certainly, Mr. McMahon is not one to simply forget what Brock did to him. It’s a safe bet that there will be repercussions after The Chairman recovers from his injury … or maybe even sooner. But since Lesnar is not currently a contracted WWE Superstar, Mr. McMahon can’t fire him. So how will The Chairman get retribution?

With a roster of Superstars at his command, could Mr. McMahon employ their services? Will action come as soon as Monday, or will the boss bide his time before he unleashes holy hell on Lesnar for what he did? Regardless of how big or bad Lesnar is, Mr. McMahon is certain to find a way to even the score.

3. Is Paul Heyman on borrowed time?

Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

After an incriminating video left Paul Heyman squirming about his ties to The Shield and Brad Maddox ( WATCH), Mr. McMahon appeared poised to fire him last week … until Lesnar came calling. Although Heyman appeared shocked at what Lesnar did to Mr. McMahon, he certainly didn’t do anything to stop things. Heyman, an admitted liar, may have found a way to hide his ties to The Shield and Maddox for months, but how could he possibly talk his way out of his latest predicament with The Boss? Perhaps his upcoming appearance on "Miz TV" will shed some light on recent events.

4. What will The Shield do next?

Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

With Lesnar and Heyman on The Chairman’s least favorite list, The Shield can’t be far behind. At Royal Rumble, Mr. McMahon was very explicit about keeping The Shield away from the WWE Championship Match. If they interfered, Punk was to be stripped of his title. When the black-clad group seemingly jumped The Rock, Mr. McMahon was ready to take action … until Rock demanded the match not end that way. ( PHOTOS)

When The Shield first surfaced in WWE, they claimed to stand for justice. Now that the gig is up, what will they do next? ( VOTE NOW: WHO SHOULD MR. MCMAHON FIRE?)

5. Will CM Punk stick with Paul Heyman?

Raw Five-Point Preview: Feb. 4, 2013

Say what you want about CM Punk, his 434-day reign as WWE Champion is something very few Superstar have, or ever will, accomplish. Even WWE Champion The Rock gave The Second City Saint props for such a lengthy reign. But now that the cat is out of the bag so to speak about Heyman’s dealings with The Shield and Brad Maddox, will Punk stick with Heyman? If Punk wants to reclaim the WWE Title from The Rock at Elimination Chamber ( PREVIEW), will he start to distance himself from Heyman … or completely cut off all ties? Punk’s next move ought to be interesting. ( WHAT’S LEFT FOR PUNK TO ACCOMPLISH?)

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