Woo-Woo-Woe: Ryder opens up about the betrayal

The passionate kiss Eve and John Cena shared Monday night left the WWE Universe stunned. However, no one was more surprised by the pre-Valentine’s Day smooch than Zack Ryder. As the wheelchair-bound Long Island Iced-Z was gearing up to profess his love for Eve, he caught the Diva of his dreams locking lips with his best friend following Kane’s attempted kidnapping. (WATCH) To make matters worse, The Big Red Monster viciously tossed Ryder off the stage moments after the emotional Superstar slapped his former friend, Cena, at the explosive close of Raw SuperShow. (PHOTOS | WATCH)
As the extent of Ryder’s injuries has yet to be determined, WWE.com spent a few moments speaking with the ailing, heartbroken Superstar. Although The Long Island Iced-Z was quiet about his injuries, the lovelorn Ryder was vocal and emotional about the shocking kiss that occurred Monday night.
WWE.com: How are you feeling after what happened between Eve and Cena?
ZACK RYDER: Are you serious? "How am I feeling"?! Someone who I thought was my Broski, one of my closest friends, gets with the woman I love! How do you think I’m feeling?
WWE.com: Why are you blaming Cena? Eve kissed him, didn't she?
RYDER: Did you see him push her away? Because I didn’t. He’s a liar. He wanted it, too. Everyone wants her. She’s my girl.
WWE.com: Do you think Cena would intentionally betray you?
RYDER: It seems that way, doesn’t it? You saw the show. I don’t go making out with my best friend’s girlfriend.
WWE.com: Will you be rooting for Cena when he fights Kane in Sunday’s Ambulance Match at Elimination Chamber? (PREVIEW)
RYDER: At this point right now, I hope they beat the living hell out of each other.
WWE.com: How are you feeling since Kane wheeled you off the stage Monday night?
RYDER: Are you serious?! (click)
Ryder could not be reached for further comment. Even though the heartbroken Superstar will likely never forget what he witnessed, can he ever forgive Eve and Cena for the kiss which has left him sad, angry and humiliated? Will the hateful mastermind, Kane, continue to torture Cena and the people he cares about – including Ryder and Eve – until he embraces the hate? Watch what unfolds in Cena and Kane's Ambulance Match at Elimination Chamber this Sunday at 8 p.m. ET/5 PT, live on pay-per-view.
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