First Blood Match: John Cena defeats JBL

JBL sneers as he enters the arena.
John Cena and JBL face off at the beginning of their match.
JBL taunts John Cena after hitting him with a live microphone.
John Cena reels after a hit from JBL.
JBL prepares to strike John Cena with a bullwhip.
John Cena picks up JBL for a FU.
John Cena "You can't see me!" to a fallen JBL.
JBL grips a steel chain with bad intentions.
JBL, his fist wrapped in a steel chain, punches John Cena.
John Cena FU's JBL.
John Cena draws JBL's blood with a STFU using a steel chain.
John Cena celebrates with the steel chain that brought his win.
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