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Joe Coffey def. Dave Mastiff in a Last Man Standing Match

Joe Coffey def. Dave Mastiff in a Last Man Standing Match

After Dave Mastiff and Gallus’ Joe Coffey each sustained injuries during their last legendary encounter which ended in a double count-out, General Manager Johnny Saint and Assistant to the General Manager Sid Scala decided that the only way to settle things and assure a clear winner would be a Last Man Standing Match at TakeOver.

With all the rules out the window, the mammoth competitors began throwing their weight around right from the opening bell, as Mastiff hurled Coffey into the turnbuckles and caused the top rope to break in the first minute of the bout.

Mastiff and Coffey’s earth-shattering table crash: NXT UK TakeOver: Cardiff

Dave Mastiff and Joe Coffey plummet through the air and crash through a table in a tooth-and-nail battle: Courtesy of WWE Network.

Coffey soon introduced a series of Gallus-approved weaponry -- a pool cue, a cricket bat, a table and a steel chain -- and both massive competitors used them in a series of brutal attempts to secure the 10-count victory.

When the carnage moved into the NXT UK Universe, the two titans charged at each other through the aisle with steel chairs in hand and collided full force. As both mastodons climbed onto the announce table, Mastiff drove Coffey’s chest onto the hardwood.

In the final moments of the absolute bedlam, Mastiff and Coffey battled high atop the Pre-Show platform before a headbutt from Mastiff sent both competitors sailing through the air and crashing through two tables and to the hard floor below. In the aftermath of the fall, both men struggled to get back to their feet, but before Mastiff could pick himself back up, Coffey pushed the box supporting Mastiff’s weight out from under him at the crucial count of nine to send Mastiff back to the floor, giving the brutal win to The Iron King.

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