Ligero def. Tyson T-Bone

Ligero def. Tyson T-Bone

In his match against Tyson T-Bone, Ligero had a hard time getting out of the gate early on. Though he hit a strong inseguri in the opening moments, T-Bone answered by taking his opponent off the apron and down to the ringside floor with a single punch. He then proceeded to punish his masked foe both inside and outside.

The Leeds Luchador used his quickness and agility to rail back, however, leveling T-Bone with an inseguri, dropkick, forearm combination, before hitting sliced bread on his tough opponent for the near fall.

But, when Ligero climbed the top rope, T-Bone avoided his aerial assault and went on to hit the overhead toss. This opened the door on ruthless onslaught that included a not-so-tender face washer.

Nevertheless, in the height of the action, Ligero evaded T-Bone’s pursuit and sent his opponent crashing into the turnbuckle. He then hit the cannonball senton outside the ring, before return to the ring to execute a splash off the ropes for the victory.

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