Danny Burch def. Sam Gradwell

Danny Burch vs. Sam Gradwell: WWE NXT UK, Oct. 31, 2018

The match between Blackpool native San Gradwell and "The Governor" Danny Burch proves to be an all-out slugfest from start to finish.

The match between Blackpool native Sam Gradwell and “The Governor” Danny Burch started with an all-out slugfest, signaling a hard-fought matchup from the get-go.

Out of this back-and-forth struggle, Burch took out Gradwell with a thunderous German Suplex and clothesline combination for the near fall. Gradwell fired back with a Falcon Arrow, nearly getting the three-count.

In the height of the action, Gradwell got ahold of his opponent’s ear, but Burch broke free with a fierce right hand. This soon led to a serious exchange of fiery blows to the body by both competitors before Burch connected with a wicked headbutt, hosting his foe up on the ropes for an incredible DDT for the win in one of the hardest-hitting matches to date in NXT UK.

In the aftermath, Burch made it clear that he was setting his sights firmly on United Kingdom Champion Pete Dunne.

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