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WWE Champion Triple H def. John Cena (WWE Championship Match)

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Sunday, Jun 29 | 12 AMET/9 PMPT

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WWE Champion Triple H def. John Cena (WWE Championship Match)

WWE Champion Triple H def. John Cena (WWE Championship Match)

DALLAS -- It may be difficult to fathom, but up until 10:41 p.m. EST within the confines of the American Airlines Center, Triple H, 12-time World Champion and current reigning WWE Champion, had never, in all his years, defeated his Night of Champions opponent, John Cena.

All that changed, however, when The King of Kings capitalized with a Pedigree to earn the victory and retain his prized WWE gold.

"You'll never be as good as me," a confident champion told Cena in the weeks leading up to Night of Champions.

For his part, Cena could take solace knowing that it was he who defeated Triple H at WrestleMania 22, when The Game tapped out under the pressure of the STFU.

This time around, though, Triple H would not be denied. As the capacity crowd looked on, the two powerhouses showcased their impressive strength, trading rattling maneuvers and struggling free from intense holds before The King of Kings was finally able to overcome his nemesis.

By retaining the WWE Championship, Triple H, drafted from Raw to SmackDown the week prior, deprived his former brand a title to call their own. Earlier in the evening, Edge also denied Raw the World Heavyweight Title by defeating Batista, a recent Raw recruit, and ECW's Mark Henry captured that brand's title by prevailing against both Big Show and former ECW Champion Kane in a Triple Threat Match.

While Triple H may have won this round, rest assured that John Cena will not rest until he once again possesses the WWE Championship and brings it home to Raw.

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Night of Champions
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DALLAS -- It may be difficult to fathom, but up until 10:41 p.m. EST within the confines of the American Airlines Center, Triple H, 12-time World Champion and current reigning WWE Champion, had never, in all his years, defeated his Night of Champions opponent, John Cena.

All that changed, however, when The King of Kings capitalized with a Pedigree to earn the victory and retain his prized WWE gold.

"You'll never be as good as me," a confident champion told Cena in the weeks leading up to Night of Champions.

For his part, Cena could take solace knowing that it was he who defeated Triple H at WrestleMania 22, when The Game tapped out under the pressure of the STFU.

This time around, though, Triple H would not be denied. As the capacity crowd looked on, the two powerhouses showcased their impressive strength, trading rattling maneuvers and struggling free from intense holds before The King of Kings was finally able to overcome his nemesis.

By retaining the WWE Championship, Triple H, drafted from Raw to SmackDown the week prior, deprived his former brand a title to call their own. Earlier in the evening, Edge also denied Raw the World Heavyweight Title by defeating Batista, a recent Raw recruit, and ECW's Mark Henry captured that brand's title by prevailing against both Big Show and former ECW Champion Kane in a Triple Threat Match.

While Triple H may have won this round, rest assured that John Cena will not rest until he once again possesses the WWE Championship and brings it home to Raw.