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Michael Cole & Jack Swagger def. Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler (Country Whipping Match)

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Sunday, May 1 | 12 AMET/9 PMPT

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Michael Cole & Jack Swagger def. Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler (Country Whipping Match)

Michael Cole & Jack Swagger def. Jim Ross & Jerry Lawler (Country Whipping Match)

TAMPA – Michael Cole remains undefeated. And no, that’s not a typo.

The “rat bastard” of an announcer, along with his trainer Jack Swagger, faced off against fellow announcers Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross in a Country Whipping Match. When the sawdust finally settled, it was Cole & Swagger who had prevailed and their WWE Hall of Fame opponents who would be forced to “leather” the storm. (PHOTOS)

The barn-burner of a match, in which attacking your opponent with a leather strap is perfectly legal, can only be won by pinfall or submission. Nonetheless, during the bout, Cole suffered a series of welts, leaving his back looking like a road map of downtown Oklahoma City. Despite the lashing, however, Cole would get the last laugh. As Good Ol‘ J.R. mixed it up with his fellow Oklahoman, the cheese-eating Cole snuck up on the Hall of Famer and rolled him up for the improbable win.

Ross & Lawler stood in the ring baffled at the implausible turn of events. For their part, The All-American American and his partner beamed as they strode up the entrance ramp relishing Cole’s undefeated “streak.”

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TAMPA – Michael Cole remains undefeated. And no, that’s not a typo.

The “rat bastard” of an announcer, along with his trainer Jack Swagger, faced off against fellow announcers Jerry “The King” Lawler & Jim Ross in a Country Whipping Match. When the sawdust finally settled, it was Cole & Swagger who had prevailed and their WWE Hall of Fame opponents who would be forced to “leather” the storm. (PHOTOS)

The barn-burner of a match, in which attacking your opponent with a leather strap is perfectly legal, can only be won by pinfall or submission. Nonetheless, during the bout, Cole suffered a series of welts, leaving his back looking like a road map of downtown Oklahoma City. Despite the lashing, however, Cole would get the last laugh. As Good Ol‘ J.R. mixed it up with his fellow Oklahoman, the cheese-eating Cole snuck up on the Hall of Famer and rolled him up for the improbable win.

Ross & Lawler stood in the ring baffled at the implausible turn of events. For their part, The All-American American and his partner beamed as they strode up the entrance ramp relishing Cole’s undefeated “streak.”