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WWE Champion John Cena def. Edge, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels (Fatal Four Way Match)

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WWE Champion John Cena def. Edge, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels (Fatal Four Way Match)

WWE Champion John Cena def. Edge, Randy Orton and Shawn Michaels (Fatal Four Way Match)

ATLANTA -- Backlash's main event was a wild, chaotic brawl that featured four of the best Superstars in WWE; but in the end, John Cena once again overcame the odds, surviving the Fatal Four Way Match by pinning Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship.

The rules of a Fatal Four Way Match state that the first man to score a pinfall or submission is the winner, so Cena didn't even have to be involved in the decision to lose the gold. Still, for the second year in a row, The Champ survived multiple opponents in Backlash's main event to walk out as WWE Champion.

Alliances were made and broken several times during the bout, as Rated-RKO and Cena & HBK reunited at times to try to conquer the other two opponents. Of course, it ended up being every man for himself, as the lure of the WWE Championship was too much to make any alliance more than temporary. All four men had their individual time to shine during the match, but in a wild finish, it was actually an odd assist from HBK that helped Cena retain the gold.

In the waning moments, Cena had Orton set up for the FU, but The Legend Killer wriggled free. He then tried an RKO, but The Champ pushed him off, directly into the path of Edge's spear. Cena then nailed Edge with the FU, but as he turned around, Michaels nailed The Champ with Sweet Chin Music. Cena fell backwards, but fortunately for him, he landed square on Orton's still prone body. Michaels was unable to break up the pinfall in time, and Cena got the three-count to claim victory.

After the bout, HBK was livid, evidently feeling that the match was his and Cena once again stole the title back from his grasp. And while it was Michaels' signature maneuver that led directly to the pinfall, it was more a case of unfortunate circumstances than an intentional action that ultimately sealed his demise.

Meanwhile, Cena was unapologetic after the match, reminding WWE.com that anything can and will happen in a WWE ring.

"These Fatal Four Ways are just that…it's a car wreck. The rules clearly state that first pinfall or submission wins, and you have to be ready for that," Cena confirmed. "You have to have eyes in the back of your head; you can't just go out there and throw home runs and expect everything to hit."

Cena added that even victory isn't enough to change his stance on Fatal Four Way rules.

"Guys have snuck victories out of these things, and I hate these matches," Cena admitted. "There's people coming from every angle, you don't have a friend in the world, and anyone can score a quick three-count at any time. I won the match knocked out; you have to know what you're getting into. That's the nature of the beast, and HBK knows better than that."

Regardless of whether anyone likes it or not, one common phrase still rings true after Backlash: The Champ is still here.

Check out the great sale going on now at WWEShop.com.

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ATLANTA -- Backlash's main event was a wild, chaotic brawl that featured four of the best Superstars in WWE; but in the end, John Cena once again overcame the odds, surviving the Fatal Four Way Match by pinning Randy Orton to retain the WWE Championship.

The rules of a Fatal Four Way Match state that the first man to score a pinfall or submission is the winner, so Cena didn't even have to be involved in the decision to lose the gold. Still, for the second year in a row, The Champ survived multiple opponents in Backlash's main event to walk out as WWE Champion.

Alliances were made and broken several times during the bout, as Rated-RKO and Cena & HBK reunited at times to try to conquer the other two opponents. Of course, it ended up being every man for himself, as the lure of the WWE Championship was too much to make any alliance more than temporary. All four men had their individual time to shine during the match, but in a wild finish, it was actually an odd assist from HBK that helped Cena retain the gold.

In the waning moments, Cena had Orton set up for the FU, but The Legend Killer wriggled free. He then tried an RKO, but The Champ pushed him off, directly into the path of Edge's spear. Cena then nailed Edge with the FU, but as he turned around, Michaels nailed The Champ with Sweet Chin Music. Cena fell backwards, but fortunately for him, he landed square on Orton's still prone body. Michaels was unable to break up the pinfall in time, and Cena got the three-count to claim victory.

After the bout, HBK was livid, evidently feeling that the match was his and Cena once again stole the title back from his grasp. And while it was Michaels' signature maneuver that led directly to the pinfall, it was more a case of unfortunate circumstances than an intentional action that ultimately sealed his demise.

Meanwhile, Cena was unapologetic after the match, reminding WWE.com that anything can and will happen in a WWE ring.

"These Fatal Four Ways are just that…it's a car wreck. The rules clearly state that first pinfall or submission wins, and you have to be ready for that," Cena confirmed. "You have to have eyes in the back of your head; you can't just go out there and throw home runs and expect everything to hit."

Cena added that even victory isn't enough to change his stance on Fatal Four Way rules.

"Guys have snuck victories out of these things, and I hate these matches," Cena admitted. "There's people coming from every angle, you don't have a friend in the world, and anyone can score a quick three-count at any time. I won the match knocked out; you have to know what you're getting into. That's the nature of the beast, and HBK knows better than that."

Regardless of whether anyone likes it or not, one common phrase still rings true after Backlash: The Champ is still here.

Check out the great sale going on now at WWEShop.com.