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Renee Michelle

Renee Michelle

Height: 5’3”
Hometown: Washington, D.C.
Twitter: @1ReneeMichelle

You could say that wrestling found Renee Michelle, thanks to a little help from former WWE Superstar Duane Gill. The onetime Gillberg approached Michelle at the first sports-entertainment event she attended and asked if she would consider giving the ring a try. Michelle agreed, and only four years later, she is one of America’s top prospects. She has held the MCW Women’s Title three times and the ECWA Women’s Title twice, and has built a reputation outside the east coast, traveling as far as Japan and India to compete.

Michelle counts daredevils like Lita, Jeff Hardy and Jushin Liger among her inspirations, as well as Chigusa Nagayo, the iconic grappler who took Michelle under her wing while she trained in Japan. Able to adapt to her environment with chameleon-like deftness, Michelle will have to adjust to her biggest challenge yet when she takes part in the inaugural Mae Young Classic.

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