Bring It Back! Classic steel cage structure photos
Take a look back at some classic steel cages from the past - including the blue-barred, 15-foot structure - and let's bring 'em back!

The blue steel bars were made famous at WrestleMania II, where WWE Champion Hulk Hogan entered the structure to do battle with "King Kong" Bundy.
Beloved by the WWE Universe, the classic blue steel bars were less loved by Superstars unlucky enough to crash into them.
Hogan was no stranger to Cage Matches, appearing in a number of them in the late '80s and early '90s.
The Rockers reunited ... okay, not really. Shawn Michaels faced off against former tag team partner Marty Jannetty with a score to settle in 1993.
Even though the matches were grueling for all involved, there's just something heartwarming about seeing those blue bars around the ring.
As WrestleMania XXVIII looms, Triple H will have to call on past experience if he wants to end Undertaker's legendary streak. Luckily, The Game has plenty of Cage Matches under his belt, as here he takes on Mankind at SummerSlam 1997.
"Bang bang!"