Kenny chats with America's favorite daredevil

Not one to lack in confidence, former male cheerleader Kenny Dykstra believes he is a future WWE Hall of Famer. Heck, the former Spirit Squad member believes he belongs in the Hall of Fame now. And with his lovely -- yet somewhat unstable -- lady Victoria by his side, who knows what to expect from Dykstra?
MTV Jackass and Wildboyz star Chris Pontius is also one of the most unpredictable entertainers on TV. Pontius has made a career out of pulling off crazy, sickening and life-threatening stunts that have left viewers laughing so hard that they're either gasping for air or covering their mouths to stop themselves from hurling. Regardless, many fans are looking forward to seeing more of Pontius when he rocks out with his new band, Hyenas, at Spotlight Live Club in New York City's Times Square, this Friday, Aug. 24.
When Dykstra caught up with Pontius for this week's Superstar to Superstar, our fans got some insight of the crazy mind of one of America's favorite daredevils, from his thoughts on the hottest Divas to his opinions on WWE Superstars and more:
Kenny Dykstra: What have you been up to?
Chris Pontius: Well, I went to Jeff Tremaine's [one of the creators of MTV's Jackass] bachelor party this weekend.
Dykstra: Oh, how was that?
Pontius: It was a mess.
Dykstra: Was it in L.A.?
Pontius: Yeah.
Dykstra: All nighter?
Pontius: Yeah…It was messed up. We were riding around in a school bus and it felt like we were in high school going on a field trip. The party went from place to place, but a school bus took us around — like an elementary school bus.
Dykstra: That's pretty cool.
Pontius: It was weird. I kinda felt like I was in fifth grade — but being a really bad fifth grader. [Laughs]
Dykstra: But at least there was no chance of drinking and driving, so it was kinda good for ya. Hey, you ever party at Panama City Beach?
Pontius: I haven't. Some of the other guys have, though.
Dykstra: I have a beach house over there. I go there every spring break. …It's crazy.
Pontius: Yeah, I think Steve-O and [Jackass Number Two's Scott] Manning went there. So, are you gonna be at this party?
Dykstra: Where, spring break?
Pontius: No, in New York.
Dykstra: So, you got a band, I hear?
Pontius: Yeah, it's called Hyenas.
Dykstra: When is your debut show?
Pontius: It's gonna be at the Spotlight Live Club in Times Square on Broadway [in New York].
Dykstra: Oh, that's not a bad location at all.
Pontius: [Laughs] I know, it's so awesome. It's this Friday August 24 from 5 to 9 p.m. Its first come, first serve and it's free, for children of all ages. But if you can't get in, there will be a live feed to the Jumbotron outside.
Dykstra: That's cool. Are there any other Jackass guys in Hyenas?
Pontius: One of the guys, Loomis Fall who was a guest on Wildboyz and Jackass, is the drummer and Scott Manning is in it too. He's the bass player.
Dykstra: That's cool. Is there any chance of another Jackass movie coming out?
Pontius: Yeah, I think so. Jackass movie and Wildboyz movie.
Dykstra: Oh, there's gonna be a Wildboyz movie also?
Pontius: Yeah, we want to do that, but not until after filming another Jackass movie first. It's just so much fun that we really don't wanna stop.
Dykstra: Oh, man, I don't blame you. [Laughs] Hey, have you ever see Big Dick Johnson on WWE?
Pontius: No, I haven't. That's a good name though.
Dykstra: Yeah, he's just a big, fat dude who comes out and strips and goes crazy!
Pontius: Big Dick Johnson…Oh-my-god. [Laughs]
Dykstra: Yeah, he's totally out of shape and everything. But I wanted to ask if you thought that there could ever be a chance for Party Boy to go one-on-one with Big Dick Johnson?
Pontius: Yeah, I mean there's a chance for anything for god's sake.
Dykstra: Who do you think would win between the two?
Pontius: I don't know…
Dykstra: Would you have anyone manage you, like Steve-O?
Pontius: Oh yeah, I'd probably have some friends jump in and hit someone in the head from behind or something.
Dykstra: [Laughs]
Pontius: I kinda wanted to be a wrestler when I was a little kid.
Dykstra: No way! Who was your favorite wrestler growing up?
Pontius: Well, I went through fazes, but looking back, I think my favorite was Roddy Piper.
Dykstra: Oh yeah? He's an interesting character.
Pontius: I liked him, but at the time I didn't like him. When I first started watching him, I was kinda young and innocent. I didn't understand why he was so bad. I think one of the first times I ever watched wrestling on TV, he had Jimmy Snuka on in the Piper's Pit.
Dykstra: Is that when he cracked him with the coconut?
Pontius: Yeah, like out of nowhere! It was awesome; he'd either insult his guests or beat them up. [Laughs]
Dykstra: Totally.
Pontius: Yeah, he was awesome. I also like Umaga, he's cool.
Dykstra: Wasn't it you and Steve-O who battled Umaga [last January on Raw]?
Pontius: Yeah.
Dykstra: What was your game plan going into that? To survive?
Pontius: I don't think we were thinking about anything really. It was kinda hard because it was at the Staples Center [in Los Angeles], the place was completely full and with all the lights and stuff. It was like being in a giant rock concert.
Dykstra: Yeah, it's totally overwhelming, ain't it?
Pontius: It's so awesome. It's like rock and roll. With Umaga, I wasn't thinking about the consequences really. It was kinda spontaneous how it all happened. Like, the time that I got slammed, my senses told me to move my leg because if I had my leg turned any more, it would've just broke.
Dykstra: When he splashed you?
Pontius: Yeah. With everything and all the excitement -- like, it hurt, but I didn't think about the pain. And a few hours later, when everything calmed down, it all set in and it felt like every rib was broken. I couldn't breathe.
Dysktra: That sucks. Did it scare ya?
Pontius: Yeah, I was pretty scared. Okay, I was really scared. I was screaming and yelling. The guy is more than twice my weight, he's huge! When you see wrestlers go at it, most of them are bigger than normal sized men. Like, compared to anyone else, it's just ridiculous.
Dykstra: What's the worst injury you've ever had?
Pontius: The worst pain I experienced was in the Amazon jungle. It was this [rite of] passage for this tribe. When a boy turns 13 or so, they have to put this glove on that's laced with all these ants called bullet ants.
Dykstra: They bite you?
Pontius: No, these ones actually sting you, and it's the most painful sting of any insect. I got stung hundreds of times.
Dykstra: Oh-my-god.
Pontius: Yeah, it hurt really badly, and then an hour later it really set in. My hand swelled like Mickey Mouse, and I wanted to saw it off. It didn't go away for like 20 hours. It was way worse than any pain I've ever had, combined. It was messed up. I was poisoned!
Dykstra: Oh my god, that's crazy. Did you go to the doctor?
Pontius: I went to the doctor, but there wasn't anything that they could do. I think that even if they gave medication, I don't think it would have worked. I don't know -- animal poison is weird.
Dykstra: Totally.
Pontius: Yeah, it sucked. It was the worst.
Dykstra: Oh, man. I bet. So, out of all the Divas on the WWE roster, which one is your favorite? Who do you think is the most attractive?
Pontius: Oh god, let me think…they're all pretty hot. Which one's your favorite?
Dykstra: Uh…well, Victoria is my girlfriend.
Pontius: Oh yeah? Have you ever cheated on her with another WWE Diva?
Dykstra: No!
Pontius: Just kidding, man. [Laughs] … But yeah, man, all the Divas are hot. I am really easy to please. [Laughs]
Dykstra: [Laughs] So, whose idea was it to come up with Jackass?
Pontius: We all used to work for a skateboard magazine called Big Brother, and it was kinda like Jackass but in a magazine format. We started making videos with all of our stupid stuff and it evolved into a TV show.
Dykstra: Did you guys send the tapes to MTV or anything? Is that how it got over to TV?
Pontius: Knoxville was an actor already, and they wanted him to host another show and he didn't want to. He was working with us though, so he got it in for all of us. … Oh, man, I just looked at a picture of Victoria…she's pretty hot. You're a lucky guy.
Dykstra: Thank you, I try.
Pontius: She sounds like she's really cool.
Dykstra: Yeah, she is. Though, she can be pretty crazy, sometimes.
Pontius: Oh, man…
Dykstra: So, what movie is coming out next, [the next] Jackass or Wildboyz?
Pontius: Jackass will come out first. Wildboyz is gonna take a while to film. We're gonna have to go all over the world for that one.
Dykstra: Where is the Jackass one going to be filmed at?
Pontius: I don't know…we gotta figure that one out. Like, the first one had a lot of pranks, you know. The more and more we do stuff, the more that people recognize us, so it becomes more difficult to film. The second movie had a lot more stunts, which I personally liked better. The hardest thing to do is pull pranks though, I think. So, I really don't know where we will go this time.
Dykstra: Well, anyway, that's so good to hear about your band, man. So many people try to make it into a band but never make it.
Pontius: Yeah, the show's going to sound so good at the Spotlight Live Club. At first, we also thought it would be cool if Big Show joined our band. Like, he could just stand on stage with his arms crossed, you know?
Dykstra: Kinda like the big security dude that no one messes with?
Pontius: Yeah. If we ever need another member, that's who we'd want.
Dykstra: Dude, that'd be crazy having him up there with you, rocking out.
Pontius: Oh, man. [Laughs] I have to get going though, dude, but don't forget to go see the Hyenas play at the WWE red carpet event at Spotlight Live this Friday, Aug. 24. You know, the reason we started this band is because there's really no good bands out there anymore.
Dykstra: I agree. Are you guys gonna put a CD out?
Pontius: Yeah, like in a few months.
Dykstra: That's cool. I'll make sure to pick one up.
Pontius: Awesome. OK, man, thanks for your time.
Dykstra: No problem, man. Take it easy.
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