Johnny Curtis and Ted DiBiase's Movember tribute

This November, WWE Superstars and Divas are paying tribute to an important cause -- Movember.
They're showing their support for men's health awareness by growing -- or drawing on -- mustaches.
Johnny Curtis shows off his new mustache.
At the beginning of Movember, Mo Bros -- such as Curtis -- start off clean shaven.
Throughout the month as they grow mustaches, they will raise money and awareness for their cause. Help support Curtis on his Twitter page: @JohnnyWWE.
Another Superstar joining the Movember fight is Ted DiBiase.
He's been growing his mustache since the beginning of November, too.
"If this can be one of those things that brings awareness and attention and helps save some lives, then I'm on board," DiBiase says.
Help support DiBiase on his Twitter page:@TedDiBiase.
For more infomation about Movember, visit